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Red Dead Redemption 2, Favored Sons, Win instead of Surrender is possible, but does nothing.
RDR2 What happens when you kill everyone in "Favored sons"
Every player has to do it to Micah in this mission
How to lose a bounty in red Dead Redemption 2?
RDR2 - Favored Sons quest - what happen if you shot all the soldier instead of surrender
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Favored Sons: Arthur & Dutch Surrender To Army & Jump Cutscene (2018)
RDR2 - What if we kill all the Soldiers who surrounded Arthur and Dutch
Favored Sons | Dutch & Eagle Flies Ambush an Army Patrol | Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Favored Sons - Killing All Soldier in Standoff
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Favored Sons - Escape Down the Pass and Jump Down the Cliff
This is what happens when you KILL all the ARMY in FAVORED SONS | Red Dead Redemption 2
what happen if Arthur and Dutch do not surrender